You have no right to free speech on Newgrounds. You have a privilege to post according to the forum rules. Don't be an asshole and you won't get banned.
Joined on 4/9/06
You have no right to free speech on Newgrounds. You have a privilege to post according to the forum rules. Don't be an asshole and you won't get banned.
It's not that, it's the fact that you're 12.
You're pretty dumb for and 06er.
Maybe its because you say "U SUK" and thats all?
This is a forum for actual funny posts, Opinions, Or just having fun, You saying "U SUK" is just being a lulz killer.
So heres what you do.
1. Unplug your computer
2. Never plug it in again.
And that solves your ban problem, No need to thank me.
Well you didn't really follow common sense here, did you? If you want to stay unbanned, don't be an asshole to other forum members.